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Article number: Article number: kb-18
Q. cPanel Security Warnings

A. Q: When trying to access our Hosting Control Panel or the webmail we get a series of warnings. What's the problem?
A: For backend access such as cPanel and webmail our servers use a generic secure SSL certificate that encrypts ALL the information between your computer and the server. The encryption is still in effect, and the information traffic is secure; the warning is because the certificate is not backed up by an agency.
The browser Firefox 3.0 is particularly upfront with this warning, please add an exception to the warning and the access will be expedite next time around. (See "Firefox 3 Certificate Warnings")
This page has been viewed 4470 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. Lost in cPanel? (viewed 4509 times)
2. Editing webpages from cPanel (viewed 2113 times)
3. Firefox 3 Certificate Warnings (viewed 1881 times)
4. Can't login into another account's cPanel (viewed 1857 times)
5. How can I learn more about cPanel? (viewed 1746 times)

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