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Article number: Article number: kb-11
Q. Lost in cPanel?

A. Can't find your way in cPanel? type in "FTP" in the serch box and only FTP icons will show. It makes a snap to navigate through the dozens of icons in cPanel. The action is immediat, you don't even need to press ENTER.
Try it out!
This page has been viewed 4720 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. cPanel Security Warnings (viewed 4626 times)
2. Editing webpages from cPanel (viewed 2193 times)
3. Firefox 3 Certificate Warnings (viewed 1949 times)
4. Can't login into another account's cPanel (viewed 1935 times)
5. How can I learn more about cPanel? (viewed 1826 times)

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